Many believers today are skipping the Sunday assembly of the saints in favor of virtual meetings or just being "spiritual." But the early church met on the first day of the week, and there were several reasons they did so. If these first disciples saw the need to meet on the first day of the week, how can we afford to ignore their example and teaching?
Scripture teaches Christians to be ready for every good work to meet urgent needs. However, sometimes we are so involved in something (even some good work) that we miss an opportunity which God puts right "under our noses." In this event in Jesus' life, He teaches us about being ready and having the correct priorities.
When the chief priests and elders had brought Jesus to Pilate, there was a lot of back and forth about who He was, what was happening, and the need to release one prisoner. After all of this Pilate asked the question: "What shall I do with Jesus?" It is a question which every person must ask and answer. You cannot avoid it. What about you?
Some Christians still wonder about their forgiveness. Their conscience still bothers them at times. Can a person know they are forgiven of their sins? How does that happen? The Holy Spirit goes to great lengths in scripture to assure us that "in Christ" a person is forgiven of all trespasses. So, how does that happen?