With all of the emphasis on “going to church” and “attending worship services,” it should not surprise us that Christians do not understand what is involved in being a member of the body of Christ, the household of God. When a person is born again, they are born into the family of God in which God is our heavenly Father. Jesus is the eldest brother and Leader of the family. The Holy Spirit of God comes to dwell in their heart and guide them in the ways of their new family. The Book of God, the Bible, provides a history of this family, speaks of some previous members and tells of the future of the family as well as expectations for personal conduct, areas of service, and the enduring values for those who are family members.
Key elements in this family are love and fellowship. Sincere love for God and for one another provides an atmosphere for humble service and genuine care and concern. There is a shared faith in Christ which prompts a sharing of life. Whether food and clothing in times of need, grief when heartaches come or rejoicing when it’s time to celebrate, life is shared.
Common faith is expressed in the weekly assembly around the Lord’s table, the table of Christ Jesus our brother. This assembly provides the opportunity not only for worship but for encouraging one another in our Christian life with its fight against sin and evil. This coming together every Lord’s Day provides a vital link for each member in staying in touch with one another and remembering the Source of our family and our future (Hebrews 10:23-25).
One of the watchwords of the family is readiness. We are all to be ready and looking for the return of our Lord Jesus. We are to be ready to do good, to help those within the family but also those who are outside its circle. Jesus sacrificed Himself so that all people could be a part of His family and have life with Him forever, so family members are always ready to share the good news about Jesus and His family. The family of God is like no other!