Proverbs 14:1

Every so often we hear somebody opine that there isn’t much for a woman to do in service to the Lord Jesus. If we take a close look at scripture, we will quickly see that women have had significant roles and performed invaluable service to God through the ages.
Eve - the mother of all living
Sarah - by faith she received power to conceive the child of promise
Rebekah - left home to wed Isaac and bear two peoples
Zipporah - saved Moses’ life
Miriam - prophetess who led the women in praising God
Rahab - hid the spies and preserved her family
Deborah - a judge who provided leadership
Jael - laid a trap and killed the wicked Sisera
Ruth - her inward beauty erased racial lines
Hannah - woman of faith who trusted in the Lord God
Abigail - in pleading for her husband’s life, she kept David from bloodguilt
Esther - courageously risked her life to save her people
Mary - servant of the Lord, mother of Jesus
Mary and Martha - provided friendship and a safe haven
Mary Magdalene - helped support Jesus from her own means
Dorcas - full of good works for those in need
Lydia - opened her house to Paul and his companions
Priscilla - helped to teach Apollos
Lois and Eunice - women of the faith who reared an evangelist
Phoebe - servant of the church
Euodia and Syntyche - laborers in the gospel
This is no exhaustive list. Praise the Lord for women of faith who are ready for every good work! We need more of them.