John 13:33-14:6

They found the little tyke wandering around in the mall parking lot. Night was setting in, and one of those cold, chilling rains had been coming down. His clothes were soaked, and he was shivering like a banjo string in the middle of “Foggy Mountain Breakdown.” Thankfully, a mall security guard spotted him and brought him in out of the dark and damp.
They toweled him off, and got him a dry shirt to wear. They bundled him up in a warm blanket and brought him some chicken noodle soup. Then, cookies and hot chocolate. Someone brought him some toys to play with and a coloring book with crayons. They never let him out of their sight. He had everything he needed.
But when his frantic father burst through the door where he was, the little guy lit up like a firefly on an August evening, ran into his arms and happily - excitedly - left it all and went home.
We are this little boy. Our needs are taken care of in this life. We receive some comforts and pleasures. Many of us try to make life all about getting such things. But deep in our souls, we are troubled by a nagging, gnawing question: “Is this all there is?” This question returns again and again, because no matter how good things are here, a part of us remains empty, unsatisfied, restless, homesick.
Peter was concerned when Jesus spoke about going away to a place where he could not come. We can detect a note of panic in his voice: “Lord, where are You going?” He wanted to be with Jesus. Always. He didn’t want Him to leave.
Jesus reassures Peter that he will come and be with Him later. In fact, Jesus says that He is going to prepare a place for Peter so he could be where Jesus was. Jesus makes this promise to every person who loves Him and serves Him faithfully.
How far we are from home.