John 21:15-19

Lovers are a unique breed. Have you observed two lovers recently? Did you notice how they dote on one another? They search for one another in a crowd. They “devour” each other with their eyes. They hold hands. They hug. They smile at one another. They talk softly together. They enjoy one another’s company. Lovers find opportunities and even make excuses to be together and do things together. Lovers never want to hurt one another and will go to great lengths to avoid anything injurious. They truly care about one another. God (Romans 5:8) and Christians (1 John 5:2-3) are lovers. Yes, I know it’s not in a romantic sense - IT’S IN A DEEPER AND GREATER SPIRITUAL SENSE!
Isn’t God’s main concern on the earth the saving of the lost and the building up of His people? Doesn’t God speak to us through His word and by answering prayers? Doesn’t even His Holy Spirit dwell within us? Doesn’t God shower us with every good thing? Does He not chastise those whom He loves? Didn’t our heavenly Father send His only Son to become one of us and to provide a way for all people to have life eternal with Him? Is this not love?
Don’t Christians read and study the Word of God to learn more about their God? Don’t disciples talk with God (pray) all the time? Don’t Christians strive hard to avoid sins which hurt their heavenly Father? Aren’t the saints diligent in trying to please the Father in all things? Don’t Christians anticipate the return of their Savior so they can go and be with Him? Is this not love?
After His resurrection, Jesus confronted Simon Peter on the shores of Lake Galilee. Peter had denied Jesus three times before His crucifixion, and now Jesus needed to know something. Three times He asks Simon, “Do you love Me?” It would seem that Peter’s sin was not so much a denial of faith as it was a betrayal of love.
If Jesus asked you, Do you love Me?, what would you answer?