“All are welcome” was one of the central thoughts at the latest men’s retreat at Round Lake, and Don brought this to our minds a couple of weeks ago. Truly, all are welcome. Jesus invited: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden...” (Matthew 11:28-30). That message is echoed in our Revelation passage and elsewhere in scripture. Have you ever paused to consider the backgrounds of all those who throughout history have followed God? There was...

...a man of unknown background who built an ark
...a Mesopotamian from Ur
...a couple who played favorites with their kids
...a scoundrel who became a breeder of sheep
...a dreamer who governed Egypt.
..a prince who became a shepherd and then a law giver
...a man who was found hiding for fear of his enemies
...a womanizer with lots of strength but little wisdom
...a judge with impeccable credentials but whose sons were failures
...a young shepherd whose father would not even have him considered for an honor along with his other brothers
...an extremist who lived in the wilderness
...some smelly fishermen
...a tax collector who collaborated with hated Rome
...a nationalistic terrorist
...a woman possessed by demons
...a woman with a tawdry marital history
...a eunuch from Ethiopia
...a Hebrew who was a persecutor of the church
...a Roman centurion
...a business woman who dealt in purple dyes
...a jailer who was intending to kill himself
You can probably think of more. Truly, all are welcome!