Here’s some more of the wise sayings and quotes I’ve been able to collect over the years. Reflect, consider and be blessed!
> Reality is the leading cause of stress.
> If you’re afraid to offend, you can’t be honest.
– Patrick Henry
> Living your life is a task so difficult, it has never been attempted before.
> The Bible does not yield its meanings to lazy people.
– Arthur W Pink
> Don’t give me a man who only talks about Jesus. But don’t give me a man who never talks about Jesus.
> You can protest against the evil in the world only if you believe in a good God. Otherwise the protest doesn’t make sense. – Miroslav Volf
> God calls us imperfect people to love other imperfect people, and we do so imperfectly.
> A church that lives within its four walls is no church at all.
– Morgan Chilulu
> Thinking a lot is not the same as praying a lot.
– Andree Seu
> Christianity is not just a way of looking at certain things. It is a way of looking at everything.
><> Jeff