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  • Writer's pictureJeff Kent

The Great Dragon, Satan

            The origin of the devil is a topic about which there is much discussion and disagreement.  Suffice it to say that the devil is a very real spirit being whose purpose in life is to oppose God, thwart His plans and destroy those who serve the Almighty.  If we take a careful look at the Bible, we become aware that Satan uses three main methods to attack God’s people and try to derail the plans of God.

            One of these methods is persecution.  Persecution can come in many forms, but the basic idea of it is force or threat to create pain or loss of some kind.  Early on the apostles were jailed for preaching the gospel and were threatened not to teach in the name of Jesus.  Herod had James beheaded and imprisoned Peter.  Paul endured numerous beatings and imprisonments.  The writer of Hebrews reminds his readers that at one time some of them had lost their property (10:34) for their faith.  For some the pain or loss was severe enough that they considered turning from Christ.

            Another method employed by the devil is attacks through temptations to sin.  Through lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and the pride of life (1 John 2:16), he constantly tries to trip up and ensnare the Christian.  The allure of the world is powerful and whether it’s wealth, power, status, sex, drugs, comfort, pleasure, booze, etc., the evil one knows how to make them all look appealing and even harmless.  His end is to make us his captive rather than servants of Christ.

            Third, Satan uses false teachings and religions to draw away God’s people and thus thwart God’s purposes.  Both Israel and Judah succumbed to the deceptions of worshiping the idols of the Canaanites.  Jesus denounced the corrupted temple worship at Jerusalem.  The apostles’ writings are full of warnings about falling away from the word of truth and following false doctrine.  Jesus said is was the truth which would make us free (John 8:31-32).

            Beware of Satan’s tactics!  Do not give in to threats.  Learn to endure opposition.  Do not be seduced by the things of the world.  Do not be deceived by unbiblical teachings and practices.  Hold fast to Christ and His word.  Your life and the lives of others are at stake.

                                                            ><>  Jeff

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