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  • Writer's pictureJeff Kent

Which Way?

            In our text, Jesus contrasts the way of sin with the way of righteousness.  The gate leading to destruction is wide, and the way is broad, making it easy to enter and travel.  The gate to life is small, and the way is narrow, making it difficult to find and follow.  On our journey through life, we are confronted with numerous pathways to follow.  We must be alert to choose the way leading to life.


It’s easier to fret and worry...

            than to get down on our knees and pray.

It’s easier to sleep in on Sunday morning and watch the live stream... than to get up and go to the assembly.

It’s easier to pretend you don’t have a problem...

            than to ask for the help which you need.

It’s easier to blame someone else...

            than to accept the responsibility for what you did.

It’s easier to keep bitterness in your heart...

            than to go and offer forgiveness.

It’s easier to be on social media, play video games or watch movies...

            than to read and study your Bible

It’s easier to lie...

            than to face up to the truth.

It’s easier to “go fishin’”...

            than to concentrate on the lesson being taught.

It’s easier to keep your mouth closed...

            than to speak up with the gospel message.

It’s easier to say, “Just one more time”...

            than to say, “No more.”

It’s easier to let someone else do it...

            than to accept some responsibility and get involved.

It’s easier simply to agree with these words...

            than to take some action in your own life.

It’s easier to be a dying branch...

            than a fruitful vine.

                                                            ><>  Jeff

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