People have different views of God. These views are taken from bits and pieces of thought drawn from a conglomeration of sources: mythology, old wives’ tales, speculations of religious thinkers, catechisms and creed books, your parents’ teaching, one’s own musings, etc. The picture which many people have of God is a patchwork of ideas and concepts, many of which are contradictory and unsupported by the Bible.
Who is God to you? Is He like the ER doctor? Whenever you get into trouble you come running to Him to fix it - illness, financial difficulty, family problems, etc? You don’t pay much attention to God unless you get into a panic mode - then it’s time to look Him up!
Who is God to you? Is He a being to be worshiped in a building? You “go to church” once or twice a week to stay in His good graces. You pay your respects, sit through the service and leave Him within those four walls until next time.
Who is God to you? Is He like a genie in a bottle? Whenever you want something, then you put on your best prayer face (maybe a rug, shawl, rosary, prayer book, etc.) and ask God real nice. Maybe you even make some promises to Him if He will give you what you want. But otherwise, God is not part of your daily living.
Who is God to you? A harsh taskmaster who doesn’t want you to be happy? A judge who keeps track of all you do wrong? A Santa Claus who just passes out gifts and laughs off everything bad?
Who is God to you? It truly matters that we have the correct view of God, the one presented in His book. Otherwise, we cannot have the right relationship with Him. The scriptures confirm that God is the Life-Giver and Creator of all things, even ourselves. He is spirit and exists outside of creation. He is all-powerful and all-knowing. He is love. He is holy. He is good. In the person of Jesus, God entered His creation to save us and to draw us into a covenant relationship by His blood - to offer eternal life to every person. God loved us to the death in order to give us life. He calls us in turn to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. Who is God to you?
><> Jeff